Did you know that gaming and esports can change the world for the better?
We can help you create a culture of respect, equality, and belonging in esports and combat online harassment, toxicity, and cyberbullying.
We can help you promote health and well-being in esports and show your customers that you care about their health.
We can help you innovate and grow in esports and empower the next generation of esports players and leaders.
Are you a gamer who wants to resist hate, extremism, and radicalization online? Join our Resilient Gamers project, a collaboration between Flamman, AEP, Agera Värmland, and Inferno Online! The project creates tools to increase young gamers’ resilience and provides workshops, resources, and coaching. The project is funded by Allmänna Arvsfonden and runs for three years from November 2022. It involves young gamers (12-25 years old) and partners and experts in the field.
To learn more, visit our website.
Are you interested in learning more about esports and its potential for social impact? Super, we can help you understand the esports world and how it can be used to address societal challenges. We have the expertise and the network to help you discover the latest research and best practices in esports and society!
Let's Connect!